Jamie Steele Griffiths (b. 2000, Burlington, VT, USA) creates still and moving images using a wide variety of media and techniques. Her work makes use of imperfect symmetry and the related discrepancies and meeting points of mediated reality -- reality defined as an explicable, finite set of systems for ease of use -- and total reality, which is immeasurably complex by definition. She has worked as an animator, illustrator, and photographer.
Jamie is currently working from Santa Clarita, California.
Contact: jamiegriffiths@alum.calarts.edu
2022: Painting Showcase - L-Shape Gallery, CalArts, Santa Clarita, CA, USA
2021: Earthstar - KO Gallery, Hamtramck, MI, USA
2019: BadWill - ArtsRiot, Burlington, VT, USA
Venus (2020)
2023: The Transfiguration - Chicago, IL, USA
- Screen Street NYC - Brooklyn, NY, USA
2020: National Film Festival for Talented Youth - Online
2023: Graphite Journal #14: Pocket
2019: Muelle Magazine #2
2019 - Present: California Institute of the Arts BFA in Experimental Animation