List 4/10/23
Rust fungus, plant pathogens, mycorrhizal mutualism, obsessed, frightened, amsinckia, pucciniales, dothid, human fungal infection in the news, CDC “concerned,” pale brittlestem, (common/yellow) fieldcap, Bolbitius (of cow’s dung), @dungfungi, famous mycologist, dangerous mindset, lack of respect, apathy, eye movement, art-world thick-rimmed glasses, desert shoot, why are you ignoring me, pretension, architect’s home, performance art, documentation, Amanita coccora, Amanita patherina, Amanita muscaria, Amanita velosa, candlestick Amanita, homemade art-object candlesticks, candlestick holders, hyphal mat, instagram, body awareness, sweaty palms, attempts to appear normal, looks vs feelings, loss for words, computer-brained, dataset, intimacy, putting up walls, paranoia, Helvella compressa, art market, can you make it to the shoot, Chlorociboria, new england liberalism, chytrid fungi, frog mutation, Arca, pug nose problems, blood, umbonate, la plage, modeling, Paris, nitrous oxide, exploitative tourism business, amyl nitrate, a cool breeze on a hot day, elf cups, morel pasta, perfectly cut hair, Pisolithus dye, crocheting, dunkin donuts, crochet hook, Pezizales, Agaricales, lighting designer, Vladimir Nabokov, thesis paper, humanities, liberal arts, thin veil, purely(?) legal marriage, voice training, maggots in the fridge, flypaper, Trichocera salmani, Acanthocephala (what is that?), eyebrow plucking, Demodex, tarot deck, Acari, gall mites, gall wasps, constellations, big dipper, astrology, big three, joan didion, lunules, material honesty, Cookeina, Trichoderma “Trich,” mold, penicillin, black mold poisoning, dirty toilet bowl, cat allergy, abstraction, expired car insurance policy, Montreal, bureaucratic anxiety, the DMV, Psilocybe, Gymnopilus luteofolius, Copepodologist from Moscow, c’est la vie, book fair, little freshwater clam, Cyanobacteria, crucifixion, invasive species, quiet extinction, plant medicine, contempt for Paul Stamets, wombat, dmt vaporizer, dark web black market, easy hacking, hair curler, art nouveau, brute-forcing, locked iPhone, ladybug pheromone smell, Magnolia blossom, powerpuff girls, gallery opening, steamed shirt, character animation, burning plywood, studio tour, ghosting, wagonwheel, BB gun, juvie, cotton mask merchandise, DIY venue, potato bug, jungle juice, firebreathing, Battareiodes diguettii, Montagnea, globular springtail, macrophotography competition, silver bullet, at-home DNA sequencing for cheaper than a riso printer, riso printing, tote bag, tony soprano, words, Guy Debord, Deleuze & Guattari, Italy, Ferragamo, Ferrari, nose candy, Istanbul, London, bisexuals, cruising, subway station, jazz industry, Pizza Hut, monism, paint cup, demons, satanic panic, Shakespeare, love letter, snail mail, pee, anachronism, freight train, Hub Group, East Palestine, Palestine, bipartisanism, foreign policy, the Disneys, labor policy, minimum wage, gas prices, pipeline, K, bloody nose, anise smell, panic attack, Dancer in the Dark, River Phoenix, Brazil, Italy, latex, fetlife, oz of weed, oz of mushrooms, shoebox, piercing eyes, shooting daggers, Sally Kruikshank, entomology, abandoned parking garage, birdwatching, dorm rooms, bel air, arrest, speeding ticket, hitting 100, IKEA, target, mushrump, awkwardness, bulge, plantain, crabgrass, lemongrass, bluegrass, sawfly, cranefly, Limonia triocellata, wikipedia article, projection mapping, text message, supermoon, Jupiter, Ares, weaving loop, weaving, diamonds are forever, marriage again, California poppy, Malva, Taraxacum, cum, ghosts, reeeeaaalll fear, air conditioning, immaturity, Toxicodendron diversilobum, immunity, vulnerability, Candolleomyces candolleanus, Psathyrella candolleana, Psathyrella longipes, Helvella vespertina, Helvella crispa, Xerocomellus, Bolbitius titubans, trauma, productivity, boarding school, war, Coprinellus micaceus, Sect. micacei, gold, Apidae, lemon rinds, picking the fruit that hangs past the fence, prop plane, water landing, Cannabis indica, Coffee plant, kiwi cultivars, expensive tattoo, thrips colonies, Orthoceras, dolphin sensory deprivation etc, four leaf clover, cliffside, falling to your death, nightmares, sheep heart, god, graphomaniac, responsibility, pole dancing in an apartment, flowerpot parasol (Leucocoprinus birnbaumii), Jamie Stewart, EAI, Carl Linnaeus, I already own a sheep heart, wolf in sheep’s clothing, pop art, construction hat, rock climbing, bong, lung infection, sword swallowing, smoke rings, myth of sisyphus, ummmm, tip of your tongue, local ravens with opinions about you, hummingbird, Salvia spathacea, Eucalyptus, T Rex, officinalis, Elysia Crampton, coyotes, yipping, Daisies, glitter, resin, silly putty, Cuba, Psathyrellaceae, sequins, voice arts, house party, DSLR, ecco2k, y2k, BC(E), screen printing, spore syringe, Alan Rockefeller, leopard print, Dagger Polyester, Sarcoscypha austriaca, microscope, telescope, corn on the cob, Dennis Cooper, eyebrow pencil, press-on nails, gradient tool, PLUR, green tea, camping trip, Joshua Tree, cholla, rainbows, alienation, maternal love, black raspberries, mule deer, jack-in-the-pulpit, your father showing you a disembodied rabbit’s eye that he found in the woods.